Who we are

I’ve always considered myself a jack of all trades, diving into one curiosity head first after the next. The most important part of that quote is lost in most conversations, the full quote from Shakespeare being “A jack of all trades is a master of none, though oftentimes better than a master of one”

We can’t say what fully motivated this complement to the Jack of all trades, I believe it is due to the utility of curiosity and learning as much as we can. This gifts the curious with utility in daily life as well as a fulfillment unique to learning.

While I could never pay a compliment to the avid learner as weighty as the one from Shakespeare, I have dedicated my career to showing my appreciation by helping the curious connect with their curiosities. Through developing content and courses which facilitate learning I honor their hunger for knowledge by making satisfying it easy and efficient. Whether it’s industrial learning to master the skills of a new position or recreational learning to take on a new hobby, I pride myself on helping the learner add new skills to their bag one by one.

It is my belief that instructional design and technical writing are essential elements to aiding this process and promoting growth. That is why I have dedicated my career to mastering these skills to aid in this collection of knowledge. With a little help from a well executed curriculum we may all be jack of all trades with a very full pouch.
